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Flygtorget.se – part of the Scandinavian Aviation Industry

Flygtorget.se is an interactive news channel for the Scandinavian aviation market. We update the news feed on a daily basis and cover the whole aviation industry with focus on Scandinavia. With 50.000 visitors every week and a newsletter that reaches 12.000 members we are in close contact with all segments of the industry.

Flygtorget is the most effective way to communicate with the Scandinavian aviation industry.

We offer traditional ads that create great impact and awareness for companies that want to brand themselves in the Nordic region.

As part of the aviation industry we have the opportunity to connect people with companies looking for competence. Flygtorget’s job ads create an important meeting between companies hiring and professionals within the aviation industry. The ads are also included in the newsletter, which will qualify us as one of the best job advertisers on the Scandinavian aviation market.

Scandinavian aviation is an expanding and exciting market where Flygtorget will continue to play an important part through the news service and as a place where the industry meets up when publishing news or hiring new personel.

Flygtorget.se – när du söker kompetens i flygbranschen

Företag kan enkelt logga in och publicera platsannonser genom en knapptryckning.
Flygtorget har nu över 8000 flygintresserade besökare om dagen.

Vill du veta mer om hur du enkelt använder tjänsten kan du kontakta oss:

tel: 08-500 379 00 eller Läs mer här.