SAS ställer in flyg till Tyskland
Det är flygstrejk på flera flygplatser i Tyskland vilket leder till inställda flyg. Tusentals passagerare blir strandade.
Någon som vet mer?
Räkna med att strejken blir utdragen, arbetsgivaren säger “Nein” på ökad lön och mer ledighet.
@Andreas. Nu tar du väl ändå i lite. Lufthansa drabbas av samtliga linjer på alla destinationer över hela världen så det berör över 1000 flygningar under dygnet kanske fler inklusive långlinjer. Strejken berör inte enbart flygningar till Skandinavien. Läs gärna på innan du svarar.
Norwegian – Linjerna Berlin, Hamburg och Dusseldorf är drabbat.
Passengers must expect a significantly reduced flight schedule due to strike
The service union ver.di has called for an all-day warning strike at Munich Airport next Monday, March 10. Airport employees of Munich Airport, the security company responsible for passenger checks at Munich Airport (SGM), the aircraft handling companies AeroGround and Swissport Losch and other handling service providers have been asked by ver.di to take part in the warning strike. It is currently not possible to predict the level of participation in the strike by the various service providers.
In addition, warning strikes are also planned at numerous other airports throughout Germany on Monday. Munich Airport is therefore expecting a massive impact on flight operations. Passengers must be prepared for a greatly reduced flight schedule and delays. The airport, the airlines and all partners are already in close contact to ensure the greatest possible stability with forward-looking planning and to reduce inconvenience for travelers as far as possible within the framework of the circumstances.
Of the total of around 820 planned flight movements at Munich Airport, the airlines are likely to cancel the majority. The airlines are currently working on special flight plans. It is expected that up-to-date flight information will be published on the airport and airline websites over the course of the weekend. Air travelers are urged to check the flight status with their airline.
Verdict: Jag skulle inte kalla det för marginellt. Visst, Lufthansa och Eurowings har ungefär 50 flygningar om dagen från Skandinavien till Tyskland, men SAS har 20, så de drabbas också en hel del. Det där med 1-2 gånger per dag stämmer inte. CPH-HAM går 5 gånger per dag, CPH-DUS 4.
Alla flygplatser hos Fraport är stängda för trafik idag 10 mars. Lufthansa drabbas naturligtvis mest medan SAS drabbas marginellt då de numera bara flyger 1-2 gånger per dag från de tre skandinaviska flygplatserna till FRA/MUC/BER/HAM och DUS.
Det är markpersonalen på tyska flygplatser som har tröttnat.
Hamburg Airport:
Hamburg Airport update: Quiet situation in the morning / Affected passengers should contact the airlines
‘The terminals are largely empty today, the situation is calm. Thousands of families were already affected yesterday, and around 40,000 people wanted to depart or arrive here today as well. These plans were cancelled by ver.di. This disproportionate strike is affecting many uninvolved people, some of whom have been saving up for their holidays for a long time or wanted to see their friends and relatives again after a long time,’ says Janet Niemeyer, press officer at Hamburg Airport. Today, the trade union ver.di extended its strike action at Hamburg Airport to include security checkpoint staff as part of the nationwide public sector wage negotiations being held in Berlin.
Kommer de inte fram till en lösning så pratar man om fortsatta problem på tisdagen!